Sunday, November 28, 2010

Extra Credit Blog Post

I had never used a blog before my RTF 305 class. All my assignments for classes in high school were papers, projects, and occasionally videos, and I have only been assigned papers for my other classes at UT. I haven’t even used a personal blog, though I think they are a great idea and can be pretty interesting.
I liked using a blog for RTF 305 because it was a nice change from all the papers and essays I am used to writing. I also thought the format was more conducive to describing a topic for a media class; I could include pictures and videos that were relevant to my blog post, something I could never do in an essay or paper.
The only difficulty I had in using the blog was when I first started, and I wasn’t totally sure how to format the post. It was probably just because I had never used a blog before. Other than that, the blog was very easy to use.
I liked the blog posts where we had to provide an example of what we were talking about that we were familiar with. For example, I enjoyed analyzing shots in one of my favorite movies for the blog prompt on film progression. It was hard to come up with an example to use for these posts, but once I had one it was fun to write about.
I would recommend using a blog for RTF 305 and other classes because it is extremely simple to use and a nice change from traditional paper essays. However, it would be nice to know how formal the blog posts were supposed to be. I felt like they should have been very formal because they were assigned for a college class, but the combination of the blog format and ability to use pictures and other media made it seem like the posts didn’t need to be written formally. I suggest that this issue be discussed in class before students start blogging.

Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.

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